703 700 € *
* including 12 000 € as part of this collection
586 *
* including 2 as part of this collection
1 000 000 €
remaining days
J - 13
annual interest rate
7 %
Maximum amount per investor
No limit
4 years
Payment frequency
As per schedule
OMNIUM Offer - Bond
Contracts and Information Document

Social security contributions of 17.2%

Flat income tax rate of 12.8% (exluding exemptions)

The applied taxation depends on the situation of each investor and their taxation location.

Investor Fees

  • No investor fees - everything is free for investors

Project developer fees

  • Between 2% and 4% VAT excl. of the amount collected upon campaign success

Regulatory risk disclosure :

Lendosphere recommends that savers apply vigilance rules before any investment: investing in projects carries a risk of illiquidity and an operational risk of the project that can lead to lower profitability than expected and a risk that can go up to the total or partial loss of the invested amount and the non-payment of interest. Do not invest in what you do not fully understand. The crowdfunding services offered by Lendosphere are not covered by the deposit guarantee system established in accordance with Directive 2014/49/EU. The securities acquired through the platform are not covered by the investor compensation scheme established in accordance with Directive 97/9/EC.

Pre-contractual period

You have a reflection period of 4 days from the date of your investment, during which you can cancel your investment at any time and without penalty, directly on your dashboard.

Selection Criteria and Services of Lendosphere

Lendosphere is approved as a Crowdfunding Service Provider by the AMF, under the number FP-2023-22. Lendosphere offers investment opportunities in the form of loans or equity participation in companies within the energy and ecological transition sector. The services provided by Lendosphere allow you to submit investment requests via our online platform. For each project, Lendosphere conducts a minimal level of due diligence and performs a technical, financial, and legal analysis tailored to the financing needs of the project sponsor. Only the projects that pass this analysis are presented online to investors.


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Reservations open on 26th September

Subscriptions open on 5th october

This campaign has an initial target of 1 million euros that may be increased to a maximum of 5 million euros.

About akuo

1.8 GW
In operation or
under construction
90+ projects
In operation or
in construction
20+ GW
Project portfolio
1+ million
Tonnes of CO2
prevented in 2022
Households powered worldwide

About the project
45 MWp
82,4 GWh
Estimated yearly
energy output
13 500
Tonnes of CO2
prevented per year
25 000 households
Equivalent energy consumption
140 hectares
Project area

Akuo is an independent global developer and producer of renewable energy (solar, wind, storage). At the end of March 2024, Akuo had a total capacity of 1.8 GW in operation or under construction and a project portfolio of over 20 GW. With more than 450 employees, the Group, based in Paris, develops projects in over 20 countries around the world.

Since its creation, Akuo has chosen to be present across the entire value chain of renewable energy production and developed strong expertise in development, financing, structuring, procurement, contracting and construction supervision, asset management and maintenance, and electricity market sales.

Entrepreneurs by nature, Akuo asserts its commitments to its stakeholders and, more broadly, to the planet. Aware that the future will not unfold without motivation, Akuo is dedicated to affirming and defending concrete Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) commitments:

  • Decrease reliance on fossil fuels
  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
  • Supporting the transition of agricultural sectors
  • Co-constructing projects that serve local communities

Visit the Akuo website


🌞 Extension of the Santas Solar Power Plant, Portugal 🌞

The expansion project concerns the Santas photovoltaic power plant, owned by Akuo and operational since the summer of 2024. This facility is already one of the largest solar parks in Portugal and is located in the towns of Monforte and Borba, in the Alentejo region. Akuo has decided to increase its capacity by launching the Overequipment Santas project, which will add an additional 45 MWp to the plant’s current 180 MWp, bringing the total capacity to 225 MWp.

The first electron from the extension is expected to be injected into the grid in October 2025, with the new power plant fully operational by December 2025.

❇️ Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) for the Santas Solar Power Plant

The Santas power plant recently signed two Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) for a duration of two years. Afterward, 85% of the production will be sold at the government-regulated rate for 15 years, while the remaining 15% will be traded directly on the energy market.

The electricity generated by the extension of the Santas plant may be sold under the general regime or through a bilateral contract (PPA).

The Santas solar plant is the first achievement in a broader network of projects that Akuo is currently developing in collaboration with the Alentejo region. This network is expected to lead, in the coming years, to the construction of a portfolio of power plants with a total capacity of 540 MWp. Through the Santas plant and other projects in Portugal, Akuo is playing a vital role in supporting the country's energy development ambitions.

Santas solar plant

💡 Portugal: a new leader in renewable energy development within the European Union

The Portuguese government recently updated its Energy & Climate Plan for 2030, increasing its renewable energy targets by 50%, aiming for a total capacity of 42.8 GW. By the end of the decade, renewable energy is expected to account for 85% of Portugal's total energy production. Under this new plan, solar photovoltaic capacity is projected to rise to 20.4 GW, compared to the current 3.7 GW.


🌿 The extension of the Santas solar power plant will generate 82.4 GWh per year, covering the energy needs of 25,000 households. This will help avoid the emission of 17,000 tonnes of CO2 each year.

Landscape Integration of the Santas Extension


This campaign is dedicated to financing the equity and quasi-equity of the Portuguese company Sobresantas LDA for the construction of the Santas solar power plant extension.

❇️ Borrowing Company

Through this campaign, financing will be provided at the level of the French company Portosolar SAS, which indirectly (via the company Himalaya Portfolio) holds a stake in the project company. The funds raised will be allocated to the Portuguese project company Sobresantas LDA through the establishment of intra-group loans and/or bond issuances between Portosolar SAS and Sobresantas LDA.

*The company Sobresantas LDA, which is currently owned by another company in the Akuo group, is in the process of being acquired by Revendosol LDA. In the near future, Revendosol LDA (the current Santas power plant) and Sobresantas LDA (the extension to be constructed) will merge.

Investors will be repaid with the revenues generated by the Santas power plant, as well as through refinancing at the end of the crowdfunding investment. The estimated cumulative annual production of the Santas power plant, including its extension, will reach 449 GWh, with projected annual operating cash flows estimated between €14.8 million and €15.4 million for the 2026 fiscal year.

❇️ Security Established for This Financing

To secure this financing, a first-demand guarantee provided by Akuo Energy SAS will cover the total amount of the loan and the interest owed.

Message from AKUO

Éric Scotto
Co-Founder and CEO of Akuo

When we won the bid in 2019, the entire sector was struck by our audacity. Thanks to amazing teamwork with our partners, we were able to build the Santas project and we are now about to start the construction of its extension. This project is entirely at the service of Portuguese citizens and constitutes a reliable, green and affordable source of energy that will contribute not only to Portugal energy’s objectives but also to its energy independence. One must acknowledge the Portuguese government has always been bold and supportive and we can only thank them for their vision and trust.

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